「地球一小時」─ 一個始於澳洲悉尼的關燈活動,已經成為世界上表達關注氣候變化的最大型公眾參與運動。在2009年3月28日晚上8時半,世界各地的民眾將再次熄燈一小 時。我們希望號召全球十億人、超過1000個城市加入證明我們有能力協助解決氣候變化問題,確保地球擁有可持續的將來。
What began as a campaign to get Sydney-siders to turn their lights off, has grown to become the world's biggest climate change initiatives. At 8:30pm on March 28 2009, people around the world will turn off their lights for one hour – Earth Hour. We're aiming to reach one billion people, more than 1000 cities, all joining together in a global effort to show that it's possible to take action on climate change and play a part in ensuring a sustainable future.